Dorian Bustamante

pre-viz - animation - design

Layout-Reel Break Down

Once Upon a Snowman - Short

Responsible for all Camera and character animation. Also working with modeling designing the set.

Kung Fu Panda 2: Rough Layout Artist

Responsible for all Camera/FX and character animation. Also some minor modeling and texturing. Any Black and white images are shots I didn't work on. 


Kung Fu Panda 3: Rough Layout Artist

Responsible for all Camera/FX and character animation. Also some minor modeling and texturing. Quality of animation varies, I jumped on at the final crunch.  So speed was key. 


Monsters vs Aliens: Rough Layout Artist

Responsible for all Camera and character animation. Also some minor modeling and texturing. Based on story boards then expand upon. 

© Dorian Bustamante